Thursday, August 22, 2013

Life's a Beach

The first few days I moved down ihere to coco beach i didnt' know what tot do wit myself. Wit JOhnnie being disiplined and me bein put on diasability, i was in a pretty down place. So i made a deal wit myslef. Just change everythign. So I started gettin up at dawn and eating a good brekfast. Some egg whties and fresh oj and fruit. Then eveyr monring I would cross over Rt A1A and walk the beach. All the way from my part up past Ron Jon surf shop and the pier. Id look for seashells. wathch the waves and the early mornin surfers. Then walkd back and shwoer.

Look at this view. Not half bad.

Some days I watched the last of the space shuttle take offs. I walked the malls on rainy days. and made frienes with a bunch of new yrok transplants. One of which actually HAD a transplant. A liver. I tell ya. Its not a bad way to live. It sure beat wakin up and goin to sleep to honking horns, diesel fumes and screaming pimps.

ITs been mostly heaven. Im thinkin about buying a little boat with some a my pension. Or maybe I should just save it buy my own little bar. Now that I dont' pay no more alimony cause Betty, Betty, Bonnie and Beverly are all remarried, I got plenty a extra cash to spend.

I'm still tryin to think a a name for my detective agency. i got my first client tonight. shes comin by around 6. Gonna meet her at the pier bar. Should be interestin. Never done solo dick work before....

YOu no what i mean.

--Gristle out

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Don't Call It a Comeback!

I been here for years! Seriosly. I just havent wriitten (and as you can see bythis post, my typpin hasnt improved much. In fact it probbly got a lot worst). But theres a reason.  I got shot!  By my dum ass partner Johnnie.

Goddam kid andme was at that Briten Beach russian strip club called PERRESTROKERS and decided to pull out his piece and play Russian Roolet wit one of doze Rusky bouncers. When I saw him doin it I jumpt rite up -- nockin Nadia and her nockin nockers off my lap durin an incredibel lapdance -- and tried to stpo him. Poor timin on ol Terry Gs part. The gun wnet off and blue my typin finger off.

So after a reel long internal affairs investiagtaion and gettin chewed out by Cappy, Johnnie went on a leave a absense and i went on disability.

Anyway. i needed to get a way from New York for a while. Too many bad memrys. So I heded down to Floriday. The sunshine state. Coco beach to be exact. I watned to see the surfin and the space shuttle anv visit where I Dream A Jeanneie was made. I use ta love that show. Hilfreakinlarryous.
 Now as many a you no, i pretyty much gave up drinkin, but I started hangin out at some local beach bar and made a few good friends. the bar I hand out at gots this motto for one a there beers: $1Beers  All day. All night. All right.An it sure is.

Anyway to make a long story short I jsut hugn out an gotta taste a da good life. But the good life got a little boring at tiimes. So I started readin some cheap detective novels -- and noin I was never gonna be back on force again decided to open up my own detective agency down here in Coco Beach.
Hubba hubba. That's my type a dame.
Im about to start my first case tamorrow -- gotta meetin wit a client. So come back for updates and see wwhere life takes me.

 --Gristle out.