t's times like these that I am thankful to have a good woman at my side. You see things with Sandy and me have been goin real good for the last few weeks. We been out on more than a dozen dates and it seems things are getting kind of serious. We went back to the Sizzler and had antoher top notch meal. God I love their entres. I mean it's no Ponderosa or Beef Steak Charlies, but ths Sizzler is definitely the tops in my book. And their prices are affordabel which is important with this economy. That brings me to the guy running this thing. His name is Jim. He's been out of work for a while and he's starting to get stressed. Now being divorced as many times as me, an havin to pay all those alimonys on a cop's salary, means I know a thing or two about stress. Throw in 5 kids who hate ya and you know I knwo a lot more than most. Any way, the tell tale signs are there for a guy reaching his limit. This Jim guy is easily ajitated lately. He fijgets a lot. An he hasnt shaved in over a month which means he's given up on his appearance. Hopefully he won't crack like I seen hundreds of guys in his shoes do. But even I gotta admit that the situation doesnt look too good. Jobs are more scarce than witnesses at a ghetto shooting. Its bad when college writing guys like Jimmy here are losin hope.
I know he's got it in him to do great things, I mean if he can help a guy like me with myu feelins than he should be able to help himslef. Right? Anyway...say a little prayer for my buddy Jim here. He's a good guy with a good heart and a wife and kid to feed.
Talk to you soon.
Yours truly, a more positive Terry Gristle