Thursday, April 2, 2009

An April Fool

So thngs with Sandy haven't progressed as well as I like. We went out a bunch a times but ... well ... let'sjjst say things didn't go as good as I thought. Her daughter was given her problems and then her ex came back into the pictur. Turns out I know the guy. I worked homicide with him for a few months when I was rook dick. He was nice a nuff then. Oscar's his name.

Anyway, I don't wanna talk about it any more. The guy who runs this blog by the way has been busy drawing his other blog and is about to beceome one of them writers for From what he says they don't get paid much but it'll up his profile and get him some more bloggin experience. So more power to him. Havne't heard much ont he Slender & Gristle movie lately. I think the talks have stalled.

Johnny and I are doin well togeher. Crackin' a few skulls and solvin crimes as usual. Hopefully we're makin a difference.

You may have noticed that my typin is getting a lot better. I been workin on it.

By the dway. I think my have a kidney stone developin. We'll see.

Gristle out.