a word about that incdent involving that 17 year old girl who punched that police officer that was makin the news. Im a cop. Its my duty to serve and protect. And that applies to my own ass as well. If someone. Anyone pushed ME theyre gonna end up on their ass and then in the back seat of my car.
Now SHOULD the officer in question have punched her in the face? No. It was a knee jerk reaction . He coulda handeled it better. We're TRAINED to handle it better so yeah he should probley get some disiplinary action. He lost his cool too quick. Btu that disrespectful girl and her friend deserve to be put behind bars.
Buut did that girl DESERVE to be punched in the face? Hell yes. You DONT hit a cop. You DONT PUSH acop. You OBEY a cop. Its in my humbel veteran opinion that anyone who aggresivly disobeys an officers command deserves to get a little roughd up. Even though I no its rong in this day and age.
--Terry Gristle out