Crap. I gotta get out of this job. You think you got it tough doin what youre doin? Try stickin your neck out each day for a bunch of people who don't even know it. Maybe its time for ol Terry Gristle to hang it up. Maybe I outta retire and get a little place in the country. Some place quiet. Some palce safe.
Aw nuts. What would happen to Johnnie? He'd be lost without me. Poor kid can barely blow his own nose without me. He s got no friends. He's gotten into a fist fight with almost every one in the department. Even the Captain! Heck he even got inna fight with me a couple of times. Good thing for me that he misses every punch because he gets so pissed and can't control himself. Unlike my youngest kid. I tell ya that ones a one helluva scrapper. You would hardley believe she came in 2nd at the local Little Miss Cupcake.
O.K. Gott a go. I'll be keepin my eye on these new "followers" to make sure they ain't follwin me around for real.
Crap. Maybe theyr'e Internal Affairs? Maybe they found out the Wii that Johannie Boy got me might not of been on the up and up.
Jeez, will ya get a load a me? I'm actin totally paranoid.
--Gristle out
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