Yeh that Jimbo guy who I sign into this blog uder sometimes has been back to workin on his comic strip
Jimpervert. Seriuosly it should be called that because he draws a lot of obsene crap if you ask me. Plus two of characters seem like theyre gay. NOT that there's anything wrong with it. Ha ha. Love that episode of Seinfeld. I know, youwouldnt peg me for a Seinfeld fan but I am. I fell in love with tath show during the reruns. Not when it was on origianlly because I always watchhed Home IMprovement with Tim Allen-- a hilrious guy who was once busted for selling and using cocaine. See I believe in rehabiliatation for shome criminals. Just not all. And thank god for that otherwise we wouldnt have Tool Time and that foxy Pammy Anderson. Or if you ask the Jimbo guy, Debbie Dunning (the tool time girl who came after Pammy). He thinks shes even hotter.
Anyways Jimbo opened a store on the internet here and is selling t shirts and crap. Even I gotta admit tthey look pretty good.
Now I'm no art critic but I gotta say he's a good drawer. And some of his stuff is funny. Even if it insults my good moral upbringin. Anyway, here's the link to his "store" if you re interesetted:
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