As you cna see we gotta new top thingy for this ehere blog. Jimbo (the guy who runs theis blog) calls it a banner. Whatever. Apparetnly its jsust a makeshift one until he comes up with a better design. Alls I no is that it looks prety good. Im not sayin thats exactley whay i look like or Johnny but its a good cartoon like ness i think. we are not alloud to show our real faces on this thing anyway cause it could cost us are jobs--plus it would blow our covre when we go deep cover. the few videos that are on here and picturesa are of some "actors" that were "hired" to play us. But now that we might be an animated cartoon Jimbos set his sites on that.
So what do i think. More power to em. Hopefully somthin goodll happne. It turns out that as you may or may not no that Jimbo got a new job just a few months ago--after 3 years of bein outta work for mosta that time. Then gess what? His wife just lost HER job now last week. Unbelievabel right? These guys cant catchh a brake. Seriously.
So now what? His wifes in good spirites. Shes a littel happy cause she wasnt lovin the job and now she even gets to spend some time wth the kids. Yeh kids. I probly didn't mention (cause my life isnt exactly rapped up in Jimbos) that he an his wife had a baby girl back at the end fo the summer. Shes a cutey. Reminds me of my Teresa when she was first born. Befoe she started flippin me the bird. Kids these days think they are all that once they hit grade school. Hellava voculerry for a 7 year old tho. An not jsut the curses. I blame her mother. Actually Id blame all my kids mothers accept its more my fault for bein a lousy pop.
Anyways. I got nothn interestin to say today an my typin fingerr is feeling num.
--Terry Gristle out
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