Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The (c)Olden Days

It's cold in NYc today--an yesterday! 20 somethin out with wind. Its weatha like this that reminds me of my rookie dayas walkin the beat (back before Johnnie. Back before Frank) and that reminds me of y first day on the job --New Years eve some 30 years ago. I wasnt a kid mind you. Iwas 25 ... 26. Somethin like that. The point is I was young. And eager. I had my whole life ahead a me and was glad to finally folow in the tradition of my my father, his fatherr and his fathers father--all NYpD cops.

Now I know 30 years ago was only the 80s but if ya can work with me here on picturin a young Terry G., all straight and slim with a academy clean upper lip and hair above the collar haircut. No wives--or EX wives-- to wrorry about. It was the halsion days off Terry Gristle. In fact if ya wanna, pictuure it all in black n white. It makes it seems more kwaint.

Also dont foreget to read all my entries with a gruff gravelly voice (like the new Batman only not angry) cause thats how I talk. Years of booze and smokes and misery.

Anyway we didnt have any of that fancy warming clothes that they make today. it was all just wool and layers. two pairs of socks pretty much every day cause the shoes waerent the most comfortabel eithere. Back then a lotta gusy kept a flask on hand. I didnt then cause I was new but pretty soon after....

We hadda do crowd control in Times Square. Crazy times back then. Disco was still big. That area was a shithole. But not that niht. It was great. Daisy Duke was there. And it was all filled w ith poeple just ringin in the new yearl. All that body heat and the extra layers I had on made it feel 75 degrees out even though Ims sure it was a lot less.

Heres some footage of my first day. Pay attentshn bcause at about 1:34, you can seee yours truly at the bottom left hand corner..

Times Square = Good Times

Anyway Im ramblin. Its cold outside today but now after remanissin? Im feelin warm on the inside.

--Gristle out

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