Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easy, Tiger

In this next entry I'd like to talk a little about current events. Mainly thouse surronding Tiger Woods. Now I'm no fan of golf but I gotta tell you I don't understand why everyon is gtetting on Tiger's back and making him apologize. Now I'm not defending him. He cheated on his wife and he should pay. He should get kicked out of his hose and have to give her half of everything. Like me. although I've given all four of my ex wives half of what I got and that means less and less for each one as they go down the pike. Or is it pipe?

Anyway ... what Im tryin to say is that what happens between a guy and his gal is no bodys business but theres. SO what if he's a celebritty. He dam well shouldnt have to get on tv and apologize over and over again. America has a sick fasination with watching the misery of others. What do the germans call it? Sour krowd? Schizen Freud? Whatever. All those stupid talbloid shows and reality programs and gossip rags have turned this country to pot. Get a life America.

And dont go tryin to say he is a sex addict. The media and the marketers and the P.R. folk love to thwor their stars into some kinda clinic or rehab in order to fake makin the problem way out of their control because they gotta problem. Let me tell you, you make any man in this world famus and hav e gorgeous gals throw themselves at you all day, thta guys gonna cheat eventraully. You can say no one, two, three, maybe forty times, but at some point a fellas gonna crack. Now I aint ever cracked because I aint ever had no one throw themselves at me. Except for those on crack. But that don't count. Cracked out hoes will do anything for a their next hit.

What the heck was I sayin? What Im saying is this:
Tiger cheated and should lose half his crap.
The media should shut the hell up.
And everyone quote un quote RIVETED with this whole spectacle should get some class.

Sorry. i'm just really grumpy today. Woke up with a stiff neck again. accidently shot my pillow the other night in my sleep. I keep my gun under there and it sorta went off. No it wasnt a suicide attemtp. I bummed a little but not THAT bummed. Anyway...

--Gristle out

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